[blparent] Breast-feeding help, it must be passed down

Kate McEachern kflsouth at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 19:41:26 UTC 2012

Can I ask how old is your Daughter?  I'm asking because my oldest Daughter 
began to self ween at nine months.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sabrina Giles" <coco2879 at gmail.com>
To: "'Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [blparent] Breast-feeding help, it must be passed down

> Hey Eric,
> Well, I don't want to necessarily stop nursing, I was just concerned 
> because
> Cheyenne seemed like she doesn't want to nurse anymore.  However, when I
> give her my milk in a bottle she eats it just fine.
> It might also have to do with her heart condition I mentioned yesterday.
> She still does have a small hole in her heart that they weren't able to
> patch up when they did open heart surgery.  There are times she latches on
> just fine, but other times when she doesn't.  Most of the time though when
> she does nurse she falls asleep.
> Hope I explained this better.  I'm just glad that I still produce milk, 
> and
> like someone said before as long as I pump I will keep producing it.
> I've also read its better to breast feed till a baby is a year old anyway.
> Sabrina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Eric Calhoun
> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:28 PM
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Breast-feeding help, it must be passed down
> Hi, I agree with both Jo Elizabeth and with Erin.  Erin kind of took the
> words out of my mouth, but I have to ask this, and another question:  Why 
> do
> you want to stop breast-feeding?  Why do you feel she can't nurse anymore?
> When she gets older, she will want to learn from you.
> Eric
> .. .. Eric Calhoun with the America's Finest City Distribution List, 
> devoted
> to San Diego; the Camp Bloomfield List dedicated to the camp in Malibu,
> California: Sign up is at eric at pmpmail.com.  ..  .. I'm on Facebook, at
> eric at pmpmail.com.
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