[blparent] confidents and blind parentaing? is it just me?
tcl189 at rogers.com
Mon Apr 16 15:05:33 UTC 2012
Me too! Not sure why you'd have trouble getting a doctor's office or
similar to help you fill out papers, I've never had issues getting people to
help me do that sort of thing. there's a time and place for that sort of
strongarming and I don't believe bullying someone is a good way to get what
you want. I also don't think you need to dreess for a business meeting when
you're going to a baseball game or similar just to impress people. I think
you can dress appropriately in the situation, and as long as you don't wear
jeans with holes or a shirt that's stained you'll look okay. but that's
just my opinion, and to each his own. I have little kids and sometimes
things don't always go as planned. I could put on a really nice outfit and
just before I leave the house my baby could puke on it. lol So I dress
well, but I'm not going to go overboard and ruin a good outfit just to try
to impress. It's just not my way. I look like who I am, a mother with 3
children who I love more than anything in the world, and if you have a
problem with that then it's your problem, not mine!
-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Elizabeth Pinto
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 12:30 AM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] confidents and blind parentaing? is it just me?
I suppose there's a fine line between confidence and confrontation. I tend
to err on the nonconfrontational side.
Jo Elizabeth
"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of
the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of
these."--George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, American scientist
From: "Gabe Vega" <theblindtech at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:00 PM
To: "nfb blind parent blindparent" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [blparent] confidents and blind parentaing? is it just me?
> I was reading some posts today and it got me thinking.
> I would like to start off by saying that I have an 11 year old daughter
> that I have had since about age 6 and I did in fact have to fight for
> custody of her, it was a long raging fight for 2.5 years but in the end, a
> lot of money spent and hoops I jumped through I finally got my daughter
> from her drug attic mother, and the foster system of california.
> saying all that, I have been in interactions with doctor's, attorneys,
> local, state and federal agencies both civilian and law enforcement types
> to where at any time my parenting could, have been questioned by anyone.
> but has not and will not ever be an issue. my house is always keep clean
> and I am always ready to have some one in my home. that doesn't mean its
> spic and span because you can't have that 24-7 but I make a concerted
> effort to have a clean home from the time I wake up to the time I sleep.
> the daughter's school is another one I am heavily involved in as an
> involved parent with my daughter's education. I show up to the school
> always dressed to impress and my daily dress is always business ware and
> either a great polo or a button down with a tie. you have no idea how
> suits and ties bring a great amount of respect
> and I have to be honest and say that, maybe its Phoenix, but both myself
> and other blind parents I know here just don't deal with a lot of nosy
> agencies. and now would be a time if any for CPS to question a blind
> parent here because so many sighted parents had either killed their child
> or injured them almost to death and if a blind parent were to get caught
> up I am not sure how that would work out. but the point I make is that I
> am a very confident person, I present myself as such stern, firm and I
> won't back down from anything I believe in. I speak with a great
> vocabulary and if need be I stand my ground with a hint of aggressiveness
> if the situation calls for.
> I know there are many people who on emails or on the internet in general
> would love to look at themselves in this same light and would think they
> can talk the talk and also walk the walk but as a blind parent you can
> even almost call me an A--Hole because I am so confident. some times that
> intimidates people and I don't apologize for it simply because I am where
> I am in life and I have what I have in life specifically because I live
> the way I do.
> when my x-wife and I delivered our son, we had no issues, not one. when I
> take my daughter to her check ups, again at the doctor no issue.
> between myself and my x-wife I take my son to his appointments, on dial a
> ride and if I need help feeling out the paper work then I just ask to do
> it, if they give me any gruff, I just tell them that if I have to call the
> insurance to explain that they are refusing to accommodate me as a blind
> client well I'm sure that would put their contract in jeppurty.
> not sure how I will end this but I will leave you all with this, hold your
> head up high, hide your fears even in your facial expressions . the more
> professional, confident and self reliant you look to others, by how you
> talk, dress and present yourself you'll get far, this held true when I
> could see as a teen as well so I'm sure its just not a blind issue.
> If you have any comments or questions feel free to leave them in replies,
> I'll also be glad to take calls at the phone number at the bottom of this
> email.
> Gabe Vega - Sent from my Apple Mac Mini
> Hit me up Voice/Text: (623) 565-9357
> Email: theblindtech at gmail.com
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/blindtech
> FaceBook: http://facebook.com/blindtech
> Website: http://thebt.net
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