[blparent] older kids and their questions about whensingleparents date because you know there is just so much free time

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at msn.com
Tue Apr 17 18:18:59 UTC 2012

Sarah tells me she wants a green slug bug.

Jo Elizabeth

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, 
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of 
the weak and the strong.  Because someday in life you will have been all of 
these."--George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, American scientist

From: "Tammy" <tcl189 at rogers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:12 PM
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blparent] older kids and their questions about 
whensingleparents date because you know there is just so much free time

> Hi,
> Wow, You don't sound anything like I thought you would.  Funny how that 
> happens!  Anyway, thanks for the video and the car advice.  Escorts are 
> okay but my sons will both want sports cars or something so I guess I'd 
> better start saving now.  lol
> Tammy
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Gabe Vega
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:20 AM
> To: Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [blparent] older kids and their questions about when 
> singleparents date because you know there is just so much free time
> This issue has come up before with my 11 year old Kayla. thing is though 
> the whole "date some one with a car, Dad." was only an issue when she was 
> younger, now its "Dad, buy me a car when I get my learner's permit when 
> I'm 15." and for some reason I think she's going to hold me to it. :-) 
> lol! so, I guess if I start saving now, I'll be able to buy her something 
> off the used car lot when she's fifteen in about 3.5 years. hahaha. can we 
> say Ford Escort, or Torris or something small and pretty like those cars?
> Here's a video of her and I on a train traveling through Phoenix, I 
> thought the list would enjoy watching. In this video she is about 8 in a 
> bit I'll post a link here of a video on my youtube channel when she is 11.
> http://youtu.be/nMfgeQmaJaY
> Gabe Vega - Sent from my Apple Mac Mini
> Hit me up Voice/Text: (623) 565-9357
> Email: theblindtech at gmail.com
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/blindtech
> FaceBook: http://facebook.com/blindtech
> Website: http://thebt.net
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 3:35 AM, Kate McEachern wrote:
>> So OK, Ash and I were walking home Friday and she out of nowhere gave me 
>> her list of what she wants to see when I start dating again.
>> Being that this has never come up I thought I would poast her thoughts on 
>> the matter.
>> "Your date has to be nice."
>> "He has to like kids." (no kidding)
>> "You should make shore he has a job for real." (good advice, I ges the 
>> dood drinking by the Publix is out)
>> "He should be good looking so my friends think he's cool."  (What now her 
>> friends get a say?)
>> "If he has kids they have to be nice to me."  (Not shore what she's 
>> hinting at)
>> "And please Mom!, pick a man who can drive because walking sucks." 
>> (OK...)
>> So that is Ashs' thoughts on the matter.  If any single parents know the 
>> parent way to say "keep out of it." pass it on.
>> Kate
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