[blparent] OFF topic: Kapja codes

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Apr 18 01:54:38 UTC 2012

Well, it is off topic for this list, but if you have jaws 13 with OCR 
you can do a insert-space then o for OCR.  It will do OCR, and turn 
on jaws cursor which you use to examine page.  Anything outside the 
jaws cursor will make it go away though.


p.s.  captcha is c a p t c h a

At 02:15 PM 4/17/2012, you wrote:
>Hi.  Does anybody know how to get Jaws to read a Kapja code so it 
>can be entered for security reasons when you order something 
>online?  I'd like to do it without sighted assistance if I can.
>Jo Elizabeth

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