[blparent] tips for print disabled kids IEP?

Gabe Vega theblindtech at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 16:26:06 UTC 2012

when I first knew I wanted to go in to Technology instruction I  volunteered for a part time paid internship in a california paid intern position for a local special Ed district set up.

I often had to provide assessment reports, progress reports and evaluations on goals we wrote in the IEP and in my experience there were two definite tools the parent had on their side, 1. the IEP is a contract, a legal binding document upheld by state law in which state it was drawn up in, it is actually federally transferable which means it will be reviewed and upheld by any school district that is a public institution in the United States. but thats for another topic. the laws that pertain to this are monitored and upheld and regulated by your districts board of directors, and their parent agency which is the Department of Education for your state, with in that agency lies a sub devision strictly dealing with special Ed issues so I would seek this department out if need be.
2. In many states there are advocate services specializing in disability law,These agencies are in place provided by the local government and are usually non-profits who are freely providing the services to the public via grants and other financial means, I would look a local agency up as well matching these service details and seeking advice in that manner.
3. remember, you are the parent, you have the final say above the school, teachers, administration and who ever else.

I am very recently dealing with Special Ed for my Son and after introducing myself as a former Children's special Ed Assistive Tech Specialist they realized we were all on the same page and that I knew all the processes and procedures to the T.

Good Luck, I mean that because this can be if you allow it, be an interesting ride if they think they can push you around.
Gabe Vega CEO
Commtech LLC
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On Apr 17, 2012, at 9:11 PM, Kate McEachern wrote:

> Hi.
> I have Ash's IEP in a few days and since the ishues with reading and writing are still here, does any one have tips on how to get the school to do what they were saposed to do this year?  I am so sick of this school but there is no where elce to go so We'll just ride it out.  But if there are teachers, or others who could help please pass on as much to me as you can.  Feel free to contact me off list at
> kflsouth at gmail.com
> Thanks in advance.
> Kate
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