[blparent] Calling All Book Lovers Out Here SPend Your Sunday Evening With Mitzi Friedlander

anythingentertainment at audioaccessfm.com anythingentertainment at audioaccessfm.com
Sun Apr 22 03:23:20 UTC 2012

Hi There!
The following post is meant to provide a service to this list and
community by providing useful information that some of you might find
That being said, I want to apologize in advance if anyone has a problem
with this post, but no matter what we discuss here, I know that most of us
on here
enjoy reading a good book. And you have an opportunity to meet a very
well-known and respected narrator of over 1500 talking books forr  blind
several of her titles are on bard. This is the only notice of this kind
you'll receive unless you're on another list where this has been posted or
and if you find the information useful, please share it with anyone you
think would be interested in the below event.
Greetings! Here's hoping this message finds you happy and having a great day!
Let me take you away from your world for just a minute or two. Imagine
that you're on vacation. It's a warm summer's day. The temperature is high
to be warm and pleasant, but not too high to be terribly hot or
The sky is a bright blue; the grass is a perfect green; and the sun
combined with a gentle cooling breeze creates for you that picture perfect
day. Sun
tan oil rubbed on, a nice cool glass of lemonade on the table beside you,
the latest book from your favorite author purchased and loaded into your
player, you're about to settle down for a quiet afternoon of reading in
the sun.
And there's nothing that enhances an audio book more than when it's read
by a narrator that has an unforgettable voice combined with the ability to
the listener.
And if there's one narrator who has managed to secure a place in the minds
and hearts of countless readers it's none other than Mitzi Friedlander!
If you're an avid talking book reader, and have read many of the books put
together by The American Printing House For The Blind, the name Mitzi
is as well known to you as Louis Armstrong would be to a lover of jazz!
But if you don't know the name Mitzi Friedlander, you have the opportunity
to learn just why so many readers  of all ages are unable to forget this
That opportunity will come your way this Sunday, April 22 2012, at 6 PM
eastern time, as Jonathan Matte, host of Anything Entertainment on the
radio station Audio Access FM, presents An Evening With Mitzi Friedlander."
Join Jonathan as he tells Mitzi's story through a live interview with her.
You'll learn about Mitzi's career, the books she's read, and so much more.
is she so famous to talking book readers? You'll just have to tune in
Sunday night to find out!
To hear the show live, tune in starting at 6 PM eastern (5 PM central, 4
PM mountain, 3 PM pacific) by going to either
or if that link gives you trouble, go to
Can't listen with your PC? No problem. The interview can be heard by
picking up your cell or lan line phone and dialing
and when prompted, enter in access code
followed by the pound sign.
This is a presentation you're sure not to forget, delivered by a young man
with a conversational style that will make you feel like you've known
Mitzi for
years by the time he's done. So, at least for this Sunday, turn off the
TV, grab your favorite meal, pull up a chair, and tell your friends to
either join
us by phone or pc for Anything Entertainment: An Evening With Mitzi
this Sunday, April 22, 2012 beginning at 6 PM eastern on Audio Access FM,
Stretching The Boundaries Of Sound Entertainment And Filling Your Life
With Sweet
Ear Candy!
Can't make the live presentation?
If for some reason you can't be there live, send an email to
daviddunphy at audioaccessfm.com
letting him know you'd like a link to download a recording of the show,
and you'll receive the link as soon as it becomes available, which will be
after the interview has finished.
For all other inquiries about the interview, or if you have any questions
about the Anything Entertainment Program, contact the show host, Jonathan
jmatte28 at audioaccessfm.com
See You On Sunday!!!
>From Jonathan Matte>

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