[blparent] Kid appropriate music

David Lepofsky dlepofsky at sympatico.ca
Sun Apr 22 19:42:59 UTC 2012

ok so i am now on a roll, and i think this is my first time writing the 

60s pop singer Neil Sedaka re-did his most famous songs, as kids songs. he 
was 71 when recording it with his grand kids. it is superb as well. it is 
called Waking Up is Hard to Do. it is a take off  on his famous hit "braking 
up is hard to do".

if your kids are a bit older, the Canaidan group "the Bare Naked Ladies" did 
a hysterical kids album called Snack Time.

and did i mention that the famous folk singer pete seeger has done a ton of 
great kids albums? 

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