[blparent] Best strollers

Erin Rumer erinrumer at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 23:50:26 UTC 2012

Hello Bridget,

Out of all the folks I know who have Bob strollers, they have all absolutely
loved them.  They are made very well and everyone has said they're worth the
money.  I haven't done research on the jogging strollers, but I'm wondering
how young you can put your baby in there and does the Bob have a travel
system feature where you can put the car seat on top of the jogging
stroller?  If you can do something like this that would be awesome.  If you
don't need the car seat while out and about and you can have a new born in
the jogging stroller than that would be even better.  If you're able to get
your hands on any of these ahead of time to really role around and check out
for yourself I would do that.  Also, you will definitely want to slow your
pace dramatically when moving along those bumpier spots of terrain because
those little guys are pretty fragile.  Even now my guide dog knows that when
I'm pulling my son or even have him in a carrier, then he slows his pace
down a quarter to about half my normal fast walking pace.  I was a bit
frustrated by this change at first even though I knew it was best, but I'm
now used to it and appreciate it tremendously since it would be ugly should
anything happen to us.  I have a friend who fell with her son who was in a
carrier and her little guy got all torn-up from hitting the concrete.  My
friend is fortunate because her son didn't hit his head which so easily
could have happened.  After that she really slowed herself down and took it
easy because she realized what could have happened to her baby.

Happy shopping and let us know what you think of the Bob if you get your
hands on one.


-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Jo Elizabeth Pinto
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Best strollers

Sarah's nanna bought a jogging stroller at the Salvation Army for $30, and
at the time I thought she was crazy for spending the money.  But there's
nothing like it for comfort and ease of pushing over rough terrain.  We've
kept that one and given away her regular stroller.  I admit I've never tried
to pull the jogging stroller behind me because I've always been with someone
when using it, but I love the bike tires and the suspension.  I also like
the big storage compartment at the bottom, which held a diaper bag when we
needed one and still had room for shopping packages.  The cup holder by the
handle is nice as well.  Sarah will be able to ride in the stroller for a
few more years even, if necessary, and she's four now.  So it's durable and

If you do choose to get a stroller with a reversible handle instead, you'll
just have to slow your pace down a bit.  You might find yourself doing that
anyway, with a baby and all the gear that comes with one.  There's nothing
wrong with slowing down a bit.

Jo Elizabeth

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of
the weak and the strong.  Because someday in life you will have been all of
these."--George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, American scientist

From: "Bridgit Pollpeter" <bpollpeter at hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 10:18 AM
To: <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [blparent] Best strollers

> I know the stroller question has come up frequently here, so I 
> apologize for asking, but we are narrowing down our choices for 
> strollers after a ton of online and in-store shopping around. Here are 
> my thoughts and questions; I would appreciate your advice and suggestions.
> Ross and I travel via bus and other public transits more than anything.
> We live in the city, but as other city dwellers know, this is no 
> guarantee the terrain will be flat and smooth. Recently we have been 
> sticking to looking at Graco, Bob and Schwinn brands of strollers. It 
> has been a bit difficult to find the flip-handle strollers even online 
> with most brands carrying such strollers have limited models with this 
> feature.
> It comes down to this: What is more important- having the convenience 
> of the flip-handle so we can keep baby facing us, or a sturdy 
> all-terrain jogging stroller with a really good suspension for shock
> Here's my conundrum: When together, having baby face away from me is 
> not so bad since one o us can walk behind while the other pulls, but 
> when alone, I admit I'm not as comfortable with baby facing away from 
> me while I pull. I have tried other ways in which to pull and push the 
> stroller as recommended by many o you, but both Ross and I find 
> pulling the stroller behind us to be the best way for us.
> However, since we often frequent the city streets and sidewalks, 
> usually keeping a pretty quick pace, I hate to have a stroller with, 
> one, plastic wheels which won't hold up over extended periods of time, 
> two, a not as great suspension especially with the pace we tend to 
> keep when out and about and three, the convenience and sturdiness and 
> safety a jogging stroller provides for various terrains.
> The few flip-handle strollers we have found just don't compare to the 
> all-terrain jogging strollers we have found when it comes to 
> sturdiness and suspension. Price at this point is not really an issue, 
> at least within reason, the range we have viewed being between $150 
> and $400 right now. I wonder what others think and recommend 
> especially those of you who also travel predominantly on public 
> transit having to traverse city terrains. We also frequent walking 
> trails, which they themselves are smooth terrains, but often the route 
> getting to the trails is rough and includes various terrains such as 
> dirt, grass, hills, curbs and gravel.
> I'm curious to find out what others think, and if others have used 
> Graco, Schwinn  or Bob strollers, and also what other similar 
> strollers you recommend as well. Right now we are leaning towards the 
> Bob jogging strollers, but again, I appreciate any experience and 
> advice yu have to give. Thanks for the patience, smile.
> Sincerely,
> Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
> Read my blog at:
> http://blogs.livewellnebraska.com/author/bpollpeter/
> "History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
> The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan
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