[blparent] looking for very powerful vacuum any recommendations?

Brandy W ballstobooks at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 18:51:26 UTC 2012

Hi, OK so I figure I'm not the only one hating wood floors and loving them
at the same time. I am a horrible sweeper yes I can do it, but the effort to
make it look at all good is just not worth it, but I'm crazy about having
clean floors to the point that after meals I will get down on the floor and
hand sweep and mop the floor around where the kids ate. I much prefer to
vacuum. One of my friends uses a shop vac with a floor attachment and it
works very well I've used, but it is very loud. My regular upright vacuum
does great assuming I don't need to vacuum up anything but dust and a tiny
bit of crumbs. Because it is wood and you can't use the rotating bar often
things just get pushed around or blown behind the vacuum. So I'm wondering
if any of you know of a high powered vacuum that would pick up cereal and
things that aren't just crumbs that isn't super super expensive. 








"To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is
a spark." 
- Victor Hugo 


Brandy Wojcik  Discovery Toys Educational Consultant and Team leader

(512) 689-5045


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