[blparent] Baby names

Tammy tcl189 at rogers.com
Fri Apr 27 02:38:27 UTC 2012


It's funny you like Arabella, bbecause my Colyn who's 7 now does as well. 
I took him to the Ultrasound we had to find out what we were having and when 
he found out we were having a girl he called her /arabella til the day she 
was born.  He was really disappointed to find out that her name was going to 
be Ashlyn.  We were very proud of ourselves for keeping the name a secret 
til she was born.  the first person who heard the name spoken out loud 
besides Paul and myself was Ashlyn.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Kevin Athey
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:35 AM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Baby names

Some of my favorite names are:
(keep in mind that Dallan James and Joshua Alexander are my sons
names, but beyond those I like



Our Daughter's name is Brenna and our future daughter will be Mikaila
but I also like:

probably lots more but we'll leave it at those. :)

On 4/26/12, Bridgit Pollpeter <bpollpeter at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Speaking of names, it would be fun to share a few of our favorite names
> especially for those of us mulling them over right now. We're 99.9% sure
> of our name, but I'm not opposed to hearing other names. Here are our
> favorites:
> Boys:
> Declin- Irish, saint
> Jax- English, form of John, God is gracious
> Conor- Irish, of the wolf
> Leo- French, lion, courageous
> Caleb- Hebrew, faithful, bold
> Girls:
> Aria- Italian, melody, tune, literally means air
> Story
> Sonnet
> Lily
> Lyric
> Ella- English, fairy woman
> Natalia- originally Latin, Russian, born at Christmas
> Dulcy
> Vesper- Latin, evening star
> Evelyn- Irish, life
> Blythe
> Kat (just Kat, no Katherine)
> Unisex:
> Cadence- Latin, melodious
> Miracle
> True (combo of our Dad's names, Bruce and Tom
> Charli for girl or Charlie for boy
> Eliott
> Chance
> Sincerely,
> Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
> Read my blog at:
> http://blogs.livewellnebraska.com/author/bpollpeter/
> "History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
> The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:28:27 -0600
> From: "Jo Elizabeth Pinto" <jopinto at msn.com>
> To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Intro from a new mommy
> Message-ID: <SNT116-DS17A1D6B2881D14D67C4369AC270 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=response
> Hi, Bernadetta.  I'm so glad you have a healthy baby boy.  You're right,
> in
> the end, a healthy baby is all that matters.  My labor and delivery
> didn't
> go as planned, either, but I have a little girl who turned four last
> month,
> and she's the best surprise that ever happened to me.  I live in
> Colorado
> and work from home as a braille proofreader.
> By the way, I really like your name.  "Bernadette" means "brave as a
> bear"
> In french, so I guess Bernadetta is a derivitave.  I considered giving
> my
> daughter the name Bernadette just because I liked the meaning so much.
> Jo Elizabeth
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