[blparent] breast feeding

Jan Wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 11:50:29 UTC 2012

Each person is different.

Sometimes, it works, but sometimes not.
My little guy won't take the breast -- not even with a nipple shield. I pump and pump and pump. Yes, Aniseed might help and other things, also. But, (reprinting Jo's advice) pump, pump and pump. My little one is going through a growth spurt, so I am barely able to keep up with his demands for milk. (the fact that he is exclusively breast feeding is a testament to Jo's good advice).  AND, I have been able to freeze "some." That requires that I pump at least four -- preferably five/six times a day and 20minutes a side. I have a "purely Yours," but the flange on one side broke, so I do one breast at a time. It is hard to occupy baby while pumping. But, I just take it one day at a time, so I am not overwhelmed. As it stands, I have not had to dip into my frozen stash. Thank goodness for my chest freezer.   I liked the Lactina and symphony better, but renting is expensive. sometimes my pump's motor catches, so I know that I am just using it until it can be used no more. I bought it on Craig's list, so yes, it was used. I know, many say that bacteria can abound with used pumps, but for me, it helped --- at least it is for the time being. Yes, inconvenienced. but, I am staying at home. the only reason that I don't put my baby boy to the breast more is that he cries and cries and I just can't stand trying to make him do something that "I" want him to do when it frustrates him so much. We co-sleep and I'll let the laundry go on a regular basis, take shortcuts when making dinner and neglect the bathroom for a few days  to get some bonding baby time.
  That is just me and I'm happy with my choices. 
Everyone's story is different.
Maybe you can get your child back on the breast.
Maybe your child is self weaning... 
Maybe it is just a phase.
who knows.
Just do your best.
But, try not to stress you or yourself out over what you believe "should" happen and/or what some people believe "should" happen. Please don't make judgements on your parenting if things don't go like you want.
I am not saying that you are, but some of the more staunch LLL leaders and lactation consultants do sometimes make you feel like you are less of a "good mother" if you don't offer the breast to your baby each and every time, regardless of how much stress it causes the baby and/or yourself. This comes from personal experience.  A stressed trying to nurse mommy is less effective than a bottle feeding less stressed one. 
Just my $0.02

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