[blparent] floor cleaner

Jennifer Jackson jennifersjackson at att.net
Sat Apr 28 10:31:48 UTC 2012

Sometimes all these new recipes can seem a little daunting to get started
with. I thought I would translate this floor cleaner into the way I do it. I
fill up my mop bucket with water to mop with, then a squeeze of dishwashing
liquid from the kitchen sink, and then if I want a little something more I
will turn the essential oil bottle that comes with a dropper opening into
the bucket and count to about 20. Sometimes I use orange, but peppermint or
lavender are good too. You can also buy essential oils of lemon and pine if
those are your preferred clean smells. All of these also act as

I clean almost exclusively with vinegar, baking soda, and liquid dish
detergent. Sometimes I use peroxide too.

I do still use Tide for my laundry, but no softener other than a little
vinegar in the rinse. We have really hard water where I live or I might give
home made laundry detergent a try. Besides, as a totally blind mom of three
boys, I think Tide keeps a lot of our clothes stain free.

If you are interested in using more green cleaners it is probably easier to
just start with one thing at a time. It can be overwhelming to jump into
everything at once.


-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Veronica Smith
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 4:17 PM
To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: [blparent] floor cleaner

Citrus Floor Cleaner
1 gallon hot water
2 tablespoons liquid soap
15 drops orange essential oil
8 drops lemon essential oil or 1/4 cup lemon juice
Mix together and get to work!

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