[blparent] Educational products for me and my 3 and a half son

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at msn.com
Tue Aug 7 17:08:08 UTC 2012

There are also some nice electronic toys from VTech and other companies.  If 
you read braille, Seedling Braille Books for Children is a great to get 
low-cost books, although I'm finding that at four and a half, my little girl 
is moving beyond the board books, and I'm not sure what else is available. 
Depending on your comfort level with computers and your budget, there are 
also some fairly inexpensive Web sites advertised such as ABCMouse.com.  I 
haven't checked any out because I have concerns about letting a little one 
sit at a computer for too long, so I don't know howwell they work with 
screen readers, but in theory, all you have to do is get the site set up, 
and your kid can navigate it on his own.  A good point that has been made 
also is that other people can be a big influence in your son's life.  If he 
has sighted grandparents, daycare workers, Sunday school teachers, friends, 
etc, you might ask them to start pointing out large letters on signs to him 
and telling him what they are, just to build up his interest.  Letting him 
draw and color can also promote reading readiness, although I'm not so sure 
that strategy has worked with my daughter, who is just plain uninterested, 
no matter what I try.

Preschool might be another option, at your son's age.  If cost is an issue, 
check into HeadStart in your area, or there may be other programs through 
your school district.

Jo Elizabeth

Knocking me down is the easy part. If you want to keep me there, you're 
going to need some backup.--(anonymous)
-----Original Message----- 
From: Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:25 AM
To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [blparent] Educational products for me and my 3 and a half son

There are blocks, all kinds of letter type toys (fridge whatever) comes to 
mind, and in a pinch, I used my phone to show my daughter some letters. She 
was writing and couldn't remember the shape of some letters soI typed them 
into my phone and we got it figured it out.
Also, you can read and encourage your son to care about books and signs and 
things like that.
You also don't have to do all this yourself. There are or should be plenty 
of people in his life that can help with this.
So long as you can give him the tools to seek out the information heneeds 
things will be fine.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On 
Behalf Of sharon howerton
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 9:12 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Educational products for me and my 3 and a half son

Nice to see you on the list, Angelica. Welcome!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Angelica Palma" <a_palma at earthlink.net>
To: <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 3:41 PM
Subject: [blparent] Educational products for me and my 3 and a half son

> Hi Everyone,
> This is my first time posting to this list. I hope I’ll be able to gather
> useful information from here. The thing is that I’ve been searching for a
> useful product to teach my now 3 and a half boy, who is sighted unlike me
> who is nearly blind. I don’t have useful vision to teach him the necessary
> education that he should be learning now like ABC and 123. I was hoping
> that some of you will be able to suggest some products that will help me
> and my son work together. Thanks in advance!
> Angelica
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