[blparent] Funny Story about my Daughter

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at msn.com
Tue Aug 7 17:57:56 UTC 2012

I thought this true conversation with my four-year-old daughter was worth repeating.  Enjoy.

The other night on the way home from a local amusement park, it was after ten-thirty, and I thought my daughter had gone to sleep in her car seat.

Then I heard this little tired voice from behind me.  “Mom, is God pretend or real?”

I told her I was sure God was real and asked her why she wanted to know.

“Because when I talk to him in my bed at night, he doesn’t answer me.”

I didn’t really have a good explanation for that, and my daughter did fall asleep soon after, which got me off the hook for the moment.

Then yesterday she asked me, “Does God talk loud or quiet?”

I said I thought God often talked quietly so we would pay more attention to him.  She told me we needed to make him speak louder.  I asked how we could do that.

“Well ... we could tickle him.”

Jo Elizabeth

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