[blparent] two completely unrelated questions

Tammy tcl189 at rogers.com
Mon Aug 13 16:22:14 UTC 2012


I use a harness still with my 3 year old because he still runs away 
sometimes.  I have told him that he can have it off when he doesn't run away 
anymore but he really likes it so he doesn't care.  As to the Toysrus.ca 
question, I have found that ordering through the site is a pain so I just 
phone the 1800 number and order that way.



-----Original Message----- 
From: Veronica Smith
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 10:13 PM
To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [blparent] two completely unrelated questions

When they are mobile, leashes will still work, of course your 3 year old
might not want that, but she will be a great role model for your youngest.
I've never ordered from that site, so cannot help.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Jennifer Bose
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 11:55 AM
To: blparent
Subject: [blparent] two completely unrelated questions

Hi, fellow blind parents.

I love this list and I'm sorry that I ask more questions than contribute
help. I'll try to do better with that. Anyway, here are my latest two

1. What are some good suggestions for getting around with two small children
and a guide dog. My daughter Abigail will be three in October and I
currently do well with her in a baby harness. She's such a good sport about
it that she actually hands me the end I'm supposed to hold if I don't get it
quickly enough for her and says "Hold this, Mommy."
My other daughter Tara is three months old and I have her in a front carrier
when I go anywhere with both of them and the dog and we're walking. What
should I do when they can both walk, if I'm the only one taking them
somewhere, such as to the park or anywhere we might want to go, for that
matter? What should we do to get around safely like that?
2. If anyone's had experience ordering from the ToysRUs/BabiesRUs websites,
please let me know how accessible you found them. I just tried to order some
things today and ran into difficulties, but if I'm missing something that
would make it easier, I'll try this again.

Thanks very much.


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