[blparent] Parenting and Blindness

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 01:45:51 UTC 2012

Agnes, you have heard me say this before. We all do things at times that we think are best, nothing is wrong with that. Its what we do after that is what is important. We will get your kids back, I promise you that. 

The NFB can help with other cases too, has in the past, and will continue to help blind parents. 

Marsha drenthSent from my iPhone

On Aug 13, 2012, at 7:27 PM, "Agnes Steinhoff" <amorawska at nycap.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi there:  Thank you for responding to my comment on blind parenting and discrimination.  I totally agree with you that both boind and sighted people need to know how to raise their children.  The reason that the story of Jessica hit home was because my 2 children are currently in foster care and have been so for the past year now.  I thought that DSS was going to help me get services to take care of my 2 children better, which they are.  However, I signed a voluntary placement for both my children because I was so afraid of them being taken away from me after my husband left me.  I paniced and so I thought there was no other way out.
> Thankfully, the National Federation of the Blind stepped in to help me and they are doing a great job.  If it was not for the NFB, it would probably have been so much harder to fight to get them back home so I am very greatful to them in assisting me with this process.
> I think about my children every day and I can relate to how it feels.  I am doing everything in my power to get them home and I hope that Jessica will also get her child back.
> As for your four-year-old daughter, I don't blame you.  I would not allow my 5-year-old son to be outside by himself either.  I don't even let him be in the backyard without me there.  My son has told me that he was not my friend so many times before too because I wouldn't allow him to do something.  My daughter is 17 months old so she is all over the place.  I put little Christmas bells on the back of her shirt so that I hear her anywhere she is.
> Agnes
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