[blparent] Newby

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at msn.com
Mon Aug 20 05:31:06 UTC 2012

> Wow, some of those quotes are very disturbing.
> Jo Elizabeth

The quotes in my signature are randomly a few of my favorites.

I see nothing wrong with them.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but as an American exercising my rights and
freedom of speech, I will not remove them.

I hope you understand.

For heaven's sake, I wasn't asking you to remove the quotes.  Other than an 
overwhelming number of them, and the fact that your messages are hard to 
find and respond to among them, I don't have a problem with you using them. 
And I surely have no issue with you exercising your American right of free 
speech.  I meant that some of the quotes have disturbing, even scary, 
implications.  I intended what I said as a conversation starter, nothing 

Call off the dogs!  *Smile.*

Jo Elizabeth 

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