[blparent] Persistent Heat Rash

Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC) REBECCA.PICKRELL at tasc.com
Wed Aug 22 15:20:17 UTC 2012

You know, since the rash never really goes away, I'm thinking fungal like Veronica said or food-related.
Doctors can be dumbasses so I wouldn't just accept the diagnosis.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jo Elizabeth Pinto
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 4:03 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Persistent Heat Rash

It might work.  It would be pretty messy, I think, so I'd have to put Sarah
in an old pair of jammies that she wouldn't need anymore, and let them get
greased up instead of the sheets.  But it's worth a try.  The rash is a bit
better now.  It comes and goes, but it never goes away completely.

Jo Elizabeth

I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's
brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and
died in cotton fields and sweatshops.--Stephen Jay Gould
-----Original Message-----
From: Agnes Steinhoff
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 10:58 AM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Persistent Heat Rash


That was actually a very good point.  It could be something like laundry
detergent maybe.  I remember when my daughter had a heat rash, I would try
Desitin ointment.  i wonder if that might work too.  I used to use that on
Ashley whenever she had a rash or something.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brandy W" <ballstobooks at gmail.com>
To: "'Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [blparent] Persistent Heat Rash

> Have you by chance changed laundry detergents, or soap you wash her with?
> Has she worn any new cloths without them being washed? Some of these
> reactions look a lot like heat rash, but are actually reactions. Corn
> starch may help. I like cheeky balm made by a lady on etcy called Guavas
> and bananas. It is the purest moisturizer you can get and seems to help
> everything!
> Bran
> “To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out
> is a spark.”
> - Victor Hugo
> Brandy Wojcik  Discovery Toys Educational Consultant and Team leader
> (512) 689-5045
> www.playtoachieve.com
> Follow me on Face Book at
> http://www.facebook.com/PlayToAchieve.DiscoveryToys
> Read my new blog at www.playtoachieveballstobooks.wordpress.com
> Looking forward to helping you with your educational toy needs!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Jo Elizabeth Pinto
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 11:23 PM
> To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: [blparent] Persistent Heat Rash
> Hi.  I’m wondering if any of you can help me.  My daughter has gotten a
> persistent heat rash on her back, and some on her sides over the rib cage.
> I’ve tried extra washing.  I’ve tried Lubriderm lotion, which is free of
> dyes and perfumes.  I’ve tried Noxeema, Vaseline, Cortisone-10, and baby
> powder.  I’ve encouraged my daughter to sleep topless so her skin can
> breathe.  The rash itches, and then my daughter scratches at it and gets
> it all scabbed up.  Is there a remedy I’m missing?
> Jo Elizabeth
> I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's
> brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived
> and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.--Stephen Jay Gould
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