[blparent] How do you read this list?

Angie Matney angie.matney at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 15:44:06 UTC 2012

Hi Sonja,

I see that you use gmail. I have found the "basic html" web interface
wiht gmail to be very efficient for this purpose. I get the messages
individually, not in digest mode. But they are threaded, which helps.
Also, quoted text is hidden by default.

I see you're using Zoomtext. My specific strategy might not be as
helpful to you, but I'll share it anyway, in case it helps you or
someone else.

I uase the screen-reader JAWS for Windows. With JAWS, I can quickly
jump from message to message in my list of gmail messages by using the
"next checkbox" and "previous checkbox" commands, which are "x" and
"shift-x," respectively. Once I've pressed enter on the link to the
message or thread I wish to read, I use control-f to find particular
text, and I type "orig," which causes JFW to take me to a line that
says something like, "show original." This is generally the line
directly before the message body (though sometimes, a few lines of
text related to displaying images precede the message body). If I need
to find the sender, I can use shif-h to go to the previous heading,
followed by f3 to take me back to the "show original" line.

This method works for navigating within a thread, too. But within the
thread, searching for "orig" will sometimes take you to the line that
precedes the headers for the subsequent message. This isn't always a
bad thing, as with a couple of presses of down-arrow, I can hear the
sender of the next message. I can then hit f3 to find the next
occurrence of "orig," which will take me to the line just above the
message body of that subsequent message.

I hope this made sense, but I realize it might not have--I just fired
this off during a quick break at work. So feel free to ask if any part
of this requires clarification. All I can say is that using the gmail
web interface works really well for me, especially as quoted text is
hidden by default.



On 8/22/12, Tammy <tcl189 at rogers.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't like digest mode either, I can't seem to figure out what message
> goes with what reply, or who's replying to what message.  It's really very
> confusing.  I prefer getting my messages one at a time so I can quickly move
> down the from and subject fields and reply accordingly.
> Tammy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Veronica Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:57 PM
> To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [blparent] How do you read this list?
> I get them one at a time, digest mode drives me crazy as I can't ever find
> anything.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Sonja Gunn
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 8:22 AM
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [blparent] How do you read this list?
> Hello posters,
> I have recently subscribed to this list, and I'm wondering how you all use
> it.  I have the mailings come in daily digest format to my gmail address.
> This seems to be okay, but is there a better, more user-friendly way to see
> the posts?  Is there an http format that could make skipping through  the
> posts quicker?  I have an older ZoomText software versionm that limits what
> I can read.
> Would you please give me some advice of how you use this list so I can be
> aware of what works best?
> Thanks so much,
> Sonja
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