[blparent] Jodie's lo is Teething

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Mon Aug 27 11:31:00 UTC 2012

Hi. No, I haven't tried making teething biscuits, but there were 
cookies my sister bought for Kahlan a few months ago. I prefer not to 
use them because she doesn't chew very much and then they get crumbly 
and my mom suggests throwing out the one she's used, which I consider a 
waste of cookie. I don't want to keep it around so long that it's bad, 
but I don't want to waste the good ones either. I'd rather use 
something that doesn't get wasted. I follow my mom's suggestion because 
she can see the cookie, and because I don't know when they start to get 
moldy and I don't want Kahlan eating moldy cookies.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan
"Only a fool walks into the future backward."
Terry Goodkind

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