[blparent] Ryan Knighton; was Re: Keeping young children safe asparentswith a visual impairment

Angie Matney angie.matney at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 03:26:39 UTC 2012

Hello Steve and list:

Steve, I read a portion of the book you mentioned after someone on
twitter said something about how wonderful it was. We had just
recently found out we were expecting, and we felt we needed all the
help we could get. Anyway, I read a good 130 pages of this book, and I
had some of the issues with it that you mentioned. (His description of
trying to give a baby a pacifier makes it sound like the most
dangerous, impossible thing ever.) I finally had to stop reading this
book after I got to the part where he essentially said he finally felt
connected with his daughter after seeing her face on the screen of his
digital camera, which, to him, was easier for him to see than her
actual face.

The book (or what I read of it) is full of comparisons between how
difficult these things were for him and how effortless they were for
his sighted wife. I could go on, but I need to go feed my son, which I
do all by myself, thank you very much.


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