[blparent] feeding baby in the high chair

Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni rovadia82 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 21:56:55 UTC 2012

Does anybody know the brand of pouches with the caps? I just realized my husband bought the kind without caps. Thanks.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Lisamaria Martinez <lmartinez217 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Ro,

Jessie loves the packet for on-the-go times she needs to feed Jean. As
for techniques, I pretty much do all that everyone else has mentioned.
One slightly different technique though ... I feed Erik with my right
hand and use my left hand to catch any falling food below the spoon,
but I also use my thumb and index finger of my left hand to gage how
open erik's mouth is and to guide the spoon in between my fingers. He
gets so distracted all the time when he is being fed that sometimes
his head is slightly turned or his mouth isn't as open as it was a
bite or two ago. So, that helps me know just how open his little trap
is. And of course even that technique doesn't work 100% of the time. I
have to change things up according to what kind of food is being fed
to him or what his mood is. Sometimes, he thinks it is fun to buzz his
lips while eating or cough/sneeze his food in my face.

Now that Erik is older he is feeding himself certain foods or if I
have to feed him something on a spoon he practically munches the spoon
out of my hand or grabs the spoon and jams it in his own mouth. I have
to give him his own spoon to play with so my spoon is doing its job.

Don't forget that babies can gum food pretty well. Even with two teeth
you can give small pieces of bread, cheese, Chereos, bananas, etc.
Finger foods are such a wonderful thing and I often give Erik his food
scattered on his tray and let him at it while I cook dinner. I almost
never feed him anything pureed anymore because he doesn't find it
interesting. We've got to add a little flavor nowadays to his food
because baby food is so bland and he loves flavors like garlic,
ginger, curry, etc. Seriously, he's had a little Indian food already,
homemade garlic hummus, salmon cream cheese on toast, and he loves
eating my scrambled eggs off my plate. I love raising a little Bay
Area baby. There is a wonderful variety of foods from around the world
I can introduce my little guy to.


On 1/23/12, Jo Elizabeth Pinto <jopinto at msn.com> wrote:
> Get used to the mess. *Smile.* It won't go away any time soon.
> Jo Elizabeth
> "How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young,
> compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of
> the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of
> these."--George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, American scientist

> From: "Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni" <rovadia82 at gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 12:55 PM
> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [blparent] feeding baby in the high chair
>> Thanks so much Erin for thist ip. I had no idea about the food packets. My
>> husband just bought a few and we will try them when we are in a hurry.
>> Thanks so much! I am trying to feed him in teh high chair more and it's
>> hard but I am using your techniue and it's working alright. Mostly the
>> mess is going on the tray or his bib so I guess that's ok. hahaha
>> Thanks.
>> Ronit
>> On Jan 22, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Erin Rumer wrote:
>>> There a little more expensive than the jars of baby food but I can't say
>>> enough for the squeeze pouches of baby food you can get now. They can be
>>> found on sale around $1 each and sometimes less and it's super easy
>>> because
>>> you can just unscrew the cap and have the baby such the food out of the
>>> squeeze pouch or gently squeeze the food into the baby's mouth. They
>>> even
>>> make these with yogurt now. I especially love using these when we're out
>>> and about for convenience and they're a lot less messy, (usually unless
>>> my
>>> son is playing a fun spitting game). Now that my son is nearly 15 months
>>> I'll use these in-between real meals or as a quick meal when we're in a
>>> rush
>>> and just go up to him in the living room while he's watching an
>>> educational
>>> show and hold one of those organic food pouches for him while he eats his
>>> breakfast with ease and no struggle because he's distracted with a show.
>>> He's usually a really good eater but it's sitting in the high chair that
>>> can
>>> get frustrating and time consuming for a toddler after a while. The
>>> great
>>> thing is they make those pouches so well now with wonderful varieties and
>>> blends of fruits and vegies.
>>> Like mentioned in a previous post, I also like adding baby cereal to my
>>> son's food to make it thicker which helps a lot with feeding. I
>>> especially
>>> like getting the rice cereal with probiotics for an added boost.
>>> Food for thought, smiling!
>>> Erin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Jo Elizabeth Pinto
>>> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 2:50 PM
>>> To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] feeding baby in the high chair
>>> You might consider, as your baby gets more advanced at eating, mixing a
>>> dab
>>> of baby rice cereal into the pureed fruit or veggies you are trying to
>>> feed.
>>> The cereal will thicken the puree slightly and make it easier to keep on
>>> the
>>> spoon.
>>> Jo Elizabeth
>>> "How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young,
>>> compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant
>>> of
>>> the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all
>>> of
>>> these."--George Washington Carver, 1864-1943, American scientist

>>> From: "Erin Rumer" <erinrumer at gmail.com>
>>> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 2:39 PM
>>> To: "'NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] feeding baby in the high chair
>>>> Hello Ronit,
>>>> I keep my son's high-chair right next to our kitchen table where the
>>>> food is and then I take a spoon full of food and cup one hand under
>>>> the spoon as I start to guide it towards my son's mouth. I then use
>>>> some of the fingers on the hand that I have under the spoon so food
>>>> doesn't fall and find my son's mouth to then guide the food in. I use
>>>> things like, air plane or train noises or play silly sing-song games
>>>> to encourage him to open his mouth and that helps a ton. When he
>>>> takes a bight I smile at my son and praise him for being such a good
>>>> eater. I don't verbally praise him for every single bight but I do
>>>> smile and like to make sure that he knows that he is doing a very good
>>>> thing by letting the food go into his mouth and eating.
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>> Erin
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>>>> On Behalf Of Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni
>>>> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:53 AM
>>>> To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
>>>> Subject: [blparent] feeding baby in the high chair
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> My son is 9.5 months and he's getting to the age where feeding him on
>>>> my lap is getting more difficult. However, if I put him in the high
>>>> chair, it's hard for me to get the spoon in his mouth because he's so
>>>> squirmy. He's squirmy on my lap too, I suspect because he wants to
>>>> start to feed himself, but he still only has two teeth so there's not
>>>> much I can give him in the way of finger food. I feel that putting him
>>>> in the high chair is better for him but so much harder for me as a
>>>> blind person. Do you all have any tips?
>>>> I
>>>> have tried standing behind the chair but have to reach so far in front
>>>> of it that it's hard for me. Being in front of it or on the side is
>>>> still difficult. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
>>>> Ronit

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