[blparent] leaving family to get a dog guide

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Thu Jun 7 02:46:50 UTC 2012

erin, there already is such a school. Fidelco does only in-home 
training. There's another one called freedom guides or something to 
that effect; They also only do in-home training. The only thing about 
Fidelco is that they only train shepherds. I personally love shepherds 
and I hope my next guide will be a shepherd, but I know many people 
don't want one of those for one reason or another.
I am also thinking of getting another guide dog at some point, though I 
don't know when. My first guide retired during the time I was pregnant. 
I always imagined I'd never again be without a guide, but circumstances 
made it so that I couldn't get a replacement right away, for obvious 
reasons. And though I miss working with a dog very much, to the point 
where I  feel awkward with a cane now, I can't get a dog anytime in the 
near future. My partner and I decided that having a new dog alongside a 
new baby would probably be impracticle and most likely too chaotic for 
us to handle. Not to mention, he also has a seeing eye dog, which 
further detracts me from the idea of getting my own. Two dogs and a 
baby seems like something I don't necessarily want to deal with at the 
moment. And that's too bad because I long to have my own guide again.

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