[blparent] O.T. hair dye

Zunaira Wasif zwasif at my.fau.edu
Thu Mar 1 13:45:34 UTC 2012

Its important to read the dirrections on the box.  It can also be a
bit tough to pick exactly the color that you want.  What color hair do
you have and what color are you trying to achieve?  Nutrice with the
avacado oil is the best and doesn't mess up the texture of your hair.
I've tried lots of different dyes and the hena dyes are actually the
worse for my hair texture.  They make my hair really dry.  The first
time I dyed it, I did it with my sister, just to get the hand of it.
You have to mix the colorent cream into the developer solution.  The
developer solution is in a bottle with a nozel on it while the
colorent cream is in a tube.  Then you shake it really well and you
have to use all of it or throw it out because the bottle will explode
if you leave it and try to store it for later.  Divide your hair into
sections and work in the dye starting at the routes.  I would be
careful using really warm toned tyes like "golden blond," because they
can make your hair orrangy, or at least that happens to me when I try
to go lighter and warmer at the same time.  I like the natural blond
or natural brown colors personally.  If you go darker it will wash out
allot faster. Good luck!

On 3/1/12, Tay Laurie <j.t.laurie at gmail.com> wrote:
> a disposable comb can be a great help, too. Or an old hairbrush you never
> plan to use again except for that. I use that technique with a comb for hair
> conditioner, as I have nearly waist-length hair.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pipi" <blahblahblah0822 at gmail.com>
> To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 1:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [blparent] O.T. hair dye
>> I've dyed my hair several times and dyed my sister's hari for her as well.
>> When I had really long hair, I bought 2 boxes of dye to make sure that I
>> had enough. Honestly to me, if you are just doing one color, it's pretty
>> simple to do without sight. Be careful around the edges of your hair line
>> and do your best not to get it on your forehead and such. If you do, wipe
>> it off as soon as possible. Definitely wear the gloves that come with the
>> dye. I just make sure that my hair is completely saturated with the dye,
>> leave it on for the time it states, and rinse as directed.
>> Make sure that you start at your roots and really work the dye in.
>> Pipi
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Kate McEachern" <kflsouth at gmail.com>
>> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:21 AM
>> Subject: [blparent] O.T. hair dye
>>> Hey,  have any of you women who are Blind dyed your hair at home.  I
>>> would like to save some money.  If so, how did you do it and did it come
>>> out good?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kate
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