[blparent] Using the Elimination Communication mottle forpotty training

Eileen Levin eileenlevin at comcast.net
Sun Mar 11 13:14:53 UTC 2012

All of the methods say that children develop at different rates and then
they tout how their method beat the learning curve. In truth toilet training
is the same as learning to talk some kids take until 4 years old, while
other little geniuses are reciting the getti's Burg address at 18 months.
If your kid happens to be a little genius congratulations. If your kid takes
longer just try again later. 

My sister lived in China for 3 years and kept sending me articles about
chinese babies are trained at 1 year of age. What the article failed to
mention is that the chinese babies walk around with a big slit in their
pants. When they have to pe or poop the kid just squats down and goes.
Very convenient for potty training. Very hazardous for pedestrians.   LOL

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