[blparent] Pregnancy and food- helpers pushing beliefs on you

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 16 17:36:11 UTC 2012

Ug, I hate that! My dad and husband's driver do that whenever they
assist us with shopping, which is fortunately not that often. We try to
buy most meat, dairy and produce organic and hormone-free because it's
better for you. Yes, it can be pricey, but to us, it's worth the price
for the health concerns. My dad and driver, however, would eat crap if
it were free. I understand the pocket book has to come first, but we
have found that by re-prioritizing some things, we can pad the extra
cost of organic foods such as skipping the trips to McDonald's and
Burger King, or I don't really need a new purse every three months,
grin. Yet both shake their heads, give us "that" look and think we are
silly for buying organic food. They always push us to get the super
cheap, super unhealthy, full of preservatives and additives stuff. It's
my money, my life. I think dumping the garbage we call fastfood into
your body is a frivolous option that has absolutely zero benefits, but I
don't judge, much, smirky grin! It's so frustrating to have to deal with
a middle man, grrrr. Oh, and yes, I admit I do indulge in a good
fastfood burger from time to time, so I'm not that granola, LOL!

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 17
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 11:54:30 -0400
From: "Kate McEachern" <kflsouth at gmail.com>
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blparent] Pregnancy and food (deception about tea)
Message-ID: <D7918D0A83CC41BFB15E9A3F70E03312 at katiepc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

I think if some one offers to help you they should remember they are 
shopping for your neads not their own.  If it was me I wouldn't ask that

person to help me shop.  I buy freerange chicken, its more money but I
mind, now if it was my job to help some one shop it wouldn't be my place
place freerang chicken in their cart and not say anything.  The person 
shopping may mind the extra cost.


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