[blparent] Suggestions about products helpful when baby arrives

Angie Matney angie.matney at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 17:07:10 UTC 2012

Erin, I was going to post about nursing stools too. Mine is a separate
stool--a Medella one, not attached to anything. I thought it was just
a lote of hype, but I, too, have found it to be incredibly useful. It
has made nursing much more comfortable.

Another product I found useful is a talking kitchen scale. We got one
from www.blindmicemart.com. I believe INdependent Living Aids sells
the same scale. I think it cost around $40. It measures to within a
tenth of an ounce. You can also hear measurements in grams. We use
ours for measuring breastmilk and, now that I have had to supplement,
formula. (I only use the ready-to-feed formula and not the powder
because I believe it is healthier, but that's yet another topic on
which people can disagree.)


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