[blparent] People holding my child

Shelby Young blindatbirth at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 12 19:38:46 UTC 2012


About a month ago, I was at church with my parents, sisters and son.  I went to the bench where my family was sitting.  My mom says, "let me see Jaxcen."  I handed him to her, no big deal.  She had said this lady wanted to look at him and she was down by my mom.  This lady took him from my mom and walked off to go sit clear across the room.  I got angry.  My parents kept telling me it was ok because they new where he was.  It upset me so bad.  I was almost crying.  Fanilly after about ten minutes my mom went to get him.  I tried explaining how it made me feel but was told its ok she did that because she really likes me and him.  I don't care if she really likes us, its not ok with her taking my son.  A few weeks ago, I was nice and let this same lady hold Jaxcen with me right by her.  She takes off down the hall with him.  He was crying because he didn't want her.  He's a big mama's boy. I followed her as she kept walking away with my son.  She kept saying you don't need your mama, you don't need your mama.  I felt the same anger boil up inside me.  I tried explaining to my parents again how it made me feel, but they said the same thing.  How can I tell people no without being rood and feeling bad?  Did I over react by getting so upset?  


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