[blparent] Breast feeding

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Mon Sep 24 22:41:44 UTC 2012

Oh, bridget, I'm so sorry about your situation.
I know what you're going through because although I did breastfeed 
Gabriel for a while, I completely stopped around the 
five-month-mark--And not at all because I wanted to.. He just kept 
getting too upset when I tried feeding him, and I worked tirelessly 
with a lactation consultant as well as the La Lech league. I was very 
dispondant when I made the decision to stop feeding--I pumped for a 
while but now it seems like my milk production has completely run out. 
I tried various supplements, stimulation etc., and no matter what I 
did, I still had a low supply.
I am using donated milk now because I wanted my baby not to have to 
consume formula. There are some very good and reliable services out 
there--if you need any more feedback  or details about my experience 
with milk donation, please feel free to ask.
Just remember that you are a great mom and you're aware of what's best 
for yoru baby. Breastfeeding isn't everything, although it sure does 
feel very significant when you have to stop for one reason or another, 
or if you can't feed at all to begin with. I still can't bring myself 
to put away my breast pump, so it's sitting there at my nursing 
station, collecting dust even though I haven't used it for weeks and I 
know I won't do so anymore.


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