[blparent] 3D sonograms let blind expectant parents "see" theirbabies

Jodie and Kahlan xandir at samobile.net
Thu Apr 18 02:35:46 UTC 2013

I was lucky. I had very descriptive people. I was told Kahlan was about 
the size of a pea during my first ultra sound, then the tech who did my 
second one described where her parts were inside me and exactly what 
she was doing. Her mouth was constantly moving at one point and at 
another she had her hand in her mouth. We were both hungry. My mom said 
she looked like she wanted to tell someone off, lol. She probably did. 
We were both hungry and I wasn't feeding her. Instead, I was lying on a 
table while someone poked her with a wand, lol. To this day she puts 
her hand in her mouth, and sometimes even when she's smiling she sounds 
like she's telling you off. Since the day she was born, she's been 
exactly as I pictured her.

Hugs from Jodie and kahlan
"Only a fool walks into the future backward."
Terry Goodkind

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