[blparent] Better programs to consider

Marla Wertman mwertman72 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 17:48:29 UTC 2013

Hi all.  The point here is not whether Pipi does or does not attend an
nfb center or what kind of training center is best. The point is that
Pipi has Chosen to attend CCB and we need to support that decision. 
Pipi, if you are getting help from rehab to pay for your training, could
they help with child care too?
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 11:20:21 -0600
Arielle Silverman <arielle71 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Eric and all,
> I don't post much on this list since I am not a parent and just read
> the posts to learn about childcare techniques that blind people use,
> in case I ever end up in a position to care for kids. But I felt
> compelled to address a couple of Eric's points here.
> First, why on earth should Pipi need a "sighted person she knows and
> trusts" in Denver in order to attend CCB? Hundreds, if not thousands,
> of blind adults have attended NFB centers out of state without knowing
> anyone in the area, sighted or blind. The whole purpose of attending
> one of these centers is to learn not to depend on sighted folks at
> all. If Pipi needs someone to help with reader tasks like reading
> mail, she can hire someone; it doesn't have to be someone she knew
> previously.
> Second, attending any center costs money. Much of the time, a state
> agency for the blind picks up the tab. I don't know Braille
> Institute's programs, but I suspect that attending Braille Institute
> is normally paid for by a California state agency for the blind, VR,
> etc. They may or may not pay for a non-California resident's training.
> CCB, too, can be paid for by VR programs. It sounds like Pipi has
> either gotten a state agency to sponsor her training at CCB or
> budgeted the money herself. Anyway, I'm uncertain whether a California
> program would actually cost Pipi less than CCB.
> Third, there are clear advantages of NFB training programs (CCB, LCB,
> and BLIND Inc.) over other programs. These include a majority of
> instructors being blind, use of blindfolds to avoid relying on
> residual vision, comprehensive training in all skill areas, and
> challenging class assignments that can push even the most skilled
> person to expand their skills and confidence. We can debate pros and
> cons of NFB centers, but it sounds like Pipi has already made her
> decision and just needs help paying for Savannah's care. This would be
> an issue no matter what center she goes to, so let's help her with
> that instead of questioning her training decision.
> Fourth, Pipi, I have a college friend who now lives in Littleton and
> is pregnant with her first baby. She said she would forward your blog
> post to some new-mom forums she is on and see if anyone knows of
> inexpensive options or runs an in-home childcare service that might
> meet your needs. She or I will be in touch with you if anything comes
> up.
> Best,
> Arielle
> On 4/20/13, Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net> wrote:
> > Hi eric I grew up in california and am very familiar with the Braille
> > institute as well as junior foundation and consider them very good programs.
> > In fact if I needed services I would strongly consider them both. Would Pipi
> > have to establish residence fhirst and how long does residency take now in
> > California?
> >
> > Sheila Leigland
> >
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Marla Wertman <mwertman72 at gmail.com>

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