[blparent] surgery successful

Pipi blahblahblah0822 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 19:12:56 UTC 2013

I'm very happy to hear that you are finally free from all of that pain. 
I hope that things continue to keep going well for y'all.
On 4/19/2013 2:51 PM, Shannan Zinck wrote:
> Well finally had my eye removed and even though it was only Monday I feel
> so much better already. my sinuses are the most prominent change as I can
> breathe out of it now. LOL
> Myles has been amazing throughout this whole week. I was concerned but, he
> has been awesome and there have been a few people that have taken the time
> to do things with him to get him out of the house. He go to go visit
> horses, ride on a tractor and a 4 wheeler with a responsible adult of
> course yesterday and had a blast. His close friend had her surgery the week
> before mine and she was over playing with him today so he's feeling a lot
> better knowing mommy and sara are recovering finally. the potty thing is
> still rough but, since I got back from the hospital he's been asking to go
> more and even decided he wanted to go for prayer for it. "I want to get
> better" He told me. We are going to see what happens now that some of the
> stress is over. He has an Apt with the language therapist next month so if
> no change maybe it will come up. they deal with social behavior and things
> like that. Can't wait til I'm fully recovered and we can start traveling
> again. Hard to believe he starts homschooling in Sept. We are starting a
> year early so I can get the feel of it to see if I can handle it. He seems
> eager and ready. Also I just discovered they have an after school program
> here in our town that he can be sponsered to go to so he can meet new kids
> without the stress of public school. It's a program that runs 3 afternoons
> a week. Nw that this is some what behind me maybe I can get on with my
> life. Praise God it went well. thought I'd update and let you all know God
> bles. ttyl.

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