[blparent] FW: New law in Illinois Creates Bring Your Parents To School Day
Jo Elizabeth Pinto
jopinto at msn.com
Thu Aug 15 01:14:58 UTC 2013
Jennifer, as a mom who is just starting out with a daughter in kindergarten,
I would be glad to hear any suggestions you might have on the best ways to
make volunteering at school successful.
Jo Elizabeth
Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may
kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at
evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Bose
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 6:50 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] FW: New law in Illinois Creates Bring Your Parents
To School Day
On 8/14/13, Joanne Zucker <jezu36 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Eric.
> In reading the article, I'm glad to see that there are government leaders
> who support parental involvement in the schools. However, I am a little
> skeptical. Why designate one day? This allows the schools to prepare for
> what they want parents to see. Also, can you imagine a school of, say 600
> students and only 2/3 of the parents come? Where would they all sit? Is
> there enough room in each classroom for the parents that do attend. Won't
> this disrupt the teaching for the day? I don't think this is the answer,
> as
> parents will not get a good idea of the actual day's events on a regular
> basis. I think parents, who get involved with their children's education
> have the right to pop in when they want, unannounced. In this way,
> parents
> can observe in the "true" moment. Some schools are all right with this,
> many are not. Unfortunately in today's world, I understand. But, if you
> work with the school, have great communication with the teacher and
> administrative staff, the school would be more open to you coming in
> unannounced. Volunteering is also a plus for getting to know the school,
> teachers and staff. Yes, I do know that this is difficult for those
> parents
> who work, or those who have transportation issues. But, I do think it can
> be done. As a matter of fact, I know it can be done, as a working mom,
> who
> is legally blind, I have made it work. It is all about setting priorities
> and using whatever tools you have to be active in your child's education.
> If
> you want suggestions, please let me know. I'm more than willing to share.
> Thank you to our government. But, we should do our part as parents so
> that
> the government does not need to intervene.
> Joanne
> My apologies for being so opinionated. Also, I only answered the first
> question...as far as in my state, good question. I'll think about this
> one....Each district is so unique, many being very open to the public,
> while
> others are so rigid and not open...almost prison-like....
> ________________________________
> From: Eric Calhoun <eric at pmpmail.com>
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:10 AM
> Subject: [blparent] FW: New law in Illinois Creates Bring Your Parents
> To School Day
> Hi, in an effort to bring more responses, I've decided to resend the
> article to blparent. How do you feel about this law, and would it work in
> your state? We all know you want to know what your child/children are
> being taught. Should a day like this foster communication you, your
> child,
> and their teacher(s)?
> Eric
> Original Message:
> From: "Philmore Productions" <feedback at pmpmail.com>
> To: eric at pmpmail.com
> Subject: New law in Illinois Creates Bring Your Parents To School Day
> Date:
> Tue, 13 Aug 2013 09:56:04 -0500
> This message contains a copy of a web page you have requested. The web
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This is a great idea and it could work out well. I agree that it's
best to be involved with school on a regular basis, or at least to
communicate with them regularly. I always admired my mom's approach to
this--well, sometimes, when I was a teenager, it seemed over the top
to me, but as an adult, I respect what she did. She had been a teacher
before and understood what it was like to be on that side of things.
She taught me to think of parents and teachers as team players,
working together and supporting one another to work toward the best
interests of the child. I take that approach now with my daughters'
teachers at daycare.
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