[blparent] guess waht

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Tue Aug 27 23:02:47 UTC 2013

Hello, I don't know if you all know this or not, but for some time I have
been looking for a job and I Got one.  Yay!

I'm a true believer, its not what you know, but who.
A few weeks ago, right after school began here, one of the teachers at one
of the elementary schools in Albuquerque called me and told me they had an
Educational Aid position that needed to be filled in the VI department and
she was wondering if I wanted it.

I said, "yes," so over the last few weeks I applied, interviewed and
accepted the position.
Today I spent the day at the APS HR office, filling out paperwork and
getting finger printed!


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