[blparent] Halloween.
jezu36 at yahoo.com
jezu36 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 1 00:31:25 UTC 2013
Yes, our kids have also gone to church programs....usually called a fall festival with games and treats. I left this part out. We used to tape scriptures on the treats when kids come to our house. But once more than 100 kids came to the house, we couldn't keep up. We did have fun. :)
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 31, 2013, at 7:07 PM, "Wendy Meuse" <w_meuse at telus.net> wrote:
> Hi Joanne:
> I never used to be particularly fond of Haloween either, but I like the alternative stuff that churches put on. We have a hot
> springs not too far away and sometimes on Halloween we go there and have fun in the water and on the water slides. is it ever weird
> being in the water when it is so cold out. We just make sure to duck all the way under to keep warm eheheheheheheh! One year we
> went and it was four degrees below zero C. That was cold and did we ever run to get back into the changing room.
> bur'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r'r! I don't mind handing out candy if I am home though. We don't gget too many kids because the
> trailor park I live in is so dark at night. The owner of the park is very happy to take our rent butt won't put any street lights
> in here so of course the kids don't want to come in and trick or treat.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <jezu36 at yahoo.com>
> To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Halloween.
> It's raining cats and dogs here. So I don't know how many will be out. My boys are old enough to go without a parent. But they have
> to stay together.
> I also don't like this holiday...if that's what you want to call it. I also hand out treats to the kiddos that come to the house.
> Joanne
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 31, 2013, at 6:29 PM, Nevzat Adil <nevzatadil at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My wife is taking our Daughter and her two friends to the mall for
>> Trick/treating this evening. I am not a halloween person so I am not
>> going. But I'll due my part at home by handing out candy to the kids
>> of the neighborhood.
>> Wendy, I hope your grandson gets well very soon.
>> On 10/31/13, Wendy Meuse <w_meuse at telus.net> wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> Is anyone taking their kids out for Trick or treating? My grandchildren are
>>> too old for that of course, but our church is having a
>>> thing for the kids. We are going to have games and hot dogs and hot
>>> chocolate after the games. We are going to have prizes for
>>> costumes and hand out candy. We are having different stations set up so the
>>> kids can come and get some candy to take home. There
>>> are going to be a lot of adults along so I think it will be a lot of fun. I
>>> love the hchildren in their costumes. some people get
>>> so creative. I am not sure what kind of games are going to be set up. I am
>>> going to be helping with the eats so that should be
>>> really grate. We are having a bon fire so people can keep warm while having
>>> the hot dogs and hot chocolate. We are also having
>>> muffins and decorated cookies. Well that's it for now I guess. My daughter
>>> Grace is going to be there too with Zakkry and Jason.
>>> Zakkry won't be able to stay on his feet for that long so he will have his
>>> wheelchair. I won't go into a long story here for now,
>>> maybe some other time. But for those of you who don't know, my grandson
>>> Zakkry was involved in a very serious car accident at the
>>> end of last January. He had very serious head injuries and wwe don't know
>>> just how far along he will come in his recovery. He is
>>> nineteen, but right now mentally he is about four years old. He still can't
>>> speak very well, but he is learning. We have been
>>> telling him about the Haloween party tonight and I think he gets it a bit.
>>> His younger brother Jason who is sixteen says he is
>>> going to stick with Zakkry and help him and talk to him if he gets anxious.
>>> Jason is so wonderful with Zakkry. It is really
>>> something to see and I am so proud of him.
>>> Well I'll look forward to hearing how all of you are doing.
>>> Wendy and kitty Ginger.
>>> Jesus arose despite his foes.
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>> --
>> Nevzat Adil
>> Local Coordinator - Austin, TX
>> Center for Cultural Interchange (CCI)
>> The Greenheart for cultural exchange
>> 512 502 4403
>> nevzatadil at gmail.com
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