[blparent] Halloween.

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Fri Nov 1 20:19:00 UTC 2013

hi nice to see you on the list again. I think we have all done the sneak 
thing I know that I use to do that because I love chocolate. Mark is now 
grown so those days are gone.
On 10/31/2013 10:50 PM, Bernadetta wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I know I seemed to disappear from the list for a while, but I've been 
> here all along--just hadn't had much time to contribute to any threads 
> lately.
> My partner and I took our son out trick or treating for the first 
> time. He's almost two years old now. We had a blast--we walked around 
> two different neighborhoods and the kidlet got a bunch of treats. It's 
> too bad I dont' usually let him have any sweets yet. I guess I can 
> make a bit of an exception since it's this time of year. lol
> He was a dragon, and he got a ton of compliments on his costume, so 
> though he was quite confused about the idea of trick-or-treating at 
> first, he got more confident the more he realized people loved his 
> outfit.
> All in all, Halloween was a great success in this neck of the woods, 
> which is awesome because we were looking forward to it.
> I'll be sure to get back on track with the list a bit more--I miss 
> writing in. :)
> Best
> Bernadetta
> PS:
> Fess up, parents. How many of you will be sneaking a couple treats out 
> of your kids' bags? (or how many of you have already done so)?
> My partner has a serious sweet tooth so
> I bet he snuck a few peanut butter cups or twix, though he won't 
> confess. lol
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