[blparent] Introduction

Shelby Young blindatbirth at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 20:02:24 UTC 2013

Hi Scott,
I recommend you join the Facebook group Car seats for the littles. Since you are having twins, I have some recommendations on infant car seats that will work well for you. Graco snug ride 30or35. If you get the ones with front adjusters, they usually run about $100. You can get the Graco click connect double stroller and click both car seats into it and be on your way. Chico key fit30 is another recommendation, but it is more on the pricey side. I've recommended both of these car seats because they are made to fit smaller babies well and I see them recommended a lot. The Facebook group I told you about is very helpful if you just post with your questions.
Amazon.com is a great place to get diapers and other baby essentials. If you guys become a prime member, you will get 20% off on certain things like diapers and lotions and stuff. Also you will get free two-day shipping with the subscription.
I hope this helps and congratulations!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 5, 2013, at 1:41 PM, "Jo Elizabeth Pinto" <jopinto at msn.com> wrote:
> Hi.  How exciting, twins!  As far as what you'll need, stick to the basics--diapers, wipes, onesies and pajamas, a few blankets.  Don't get swept up in the frenzy of gadgets and gotta havits out there.  And as far as diapers go, don't stock up on one brand because you never know what will work well for your babies.  Luvs were the worst of the worst for my daughter, they leaked so bad it was like she didn't have a diaper on at all. Kirkland from Costco were the best.  Diapers.com was great, I could order online by the case and get free shipping.  As for names, you might like www.babynames.com.  You can search names alphabetically, or by gender, meaning, number of syllables, starting and ending letter, or nationality. Good luck!
> Jo Elizabeth
> Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
> -----Original Message----- From: Scott Greenblatt
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 11:35 AM
> To: blparent at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [blparent] Introduction
> Hello everyone! My name is Scott Greenblatt. I am due to become a first time
> father in less than 2 months. I happen to be completely blind and I'm hoping
> that this list will help me prepare myself to care for my children when they
> arrive. You heard or read me correctly, I'm about to be the proud father of
> fraternal twins. My wife and I don't know the sexes of the babies but we're
> struggling our way through baby names to try to make up a list of final name
> contenders that we can choose from after they arrive. We are living in New
> Rochelle, New York in a single family home with our 3 dogs and 1 cat; 1 of
> those dogs is my Seeing Eye dog, one is my retired guide dog from South
> Eastern Guide dogs, and the other is my wife's pet along with the matching
> cat she had when we met. We only moved up here in June and I'm still looking
> for work. My wife works 6 days a week as the Cantor of Temple Israel of New
> Rochelle and I'm licensed as an attorney in Florida where I grew up. At the
> moment we're also trying to register online for baby items that we'll need
> immediately when they are born. If you have suggestions on such fundamental
> items that we should look into which work especially well for the blind
> please tell me about them and why you think they're so marvelous so we can
> make sure to pick them up. I would also love to hear about baby care
> techniques and procedures to help alleviate my anxiety about how I'm going
> to take care of two newborns when my wife has to go back to work after her 8
> week maternity leave.
> Sincerely,
>               Scott Greenblatt
> sgreenblatt76 at gmail.com
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