[blparent] Introduction
tcl189 at rogers.com
Wed Nov 6 14:05:02 UTC 2013
both of my boys were born in February in canada and it was cold both years.
For my first one I bought the requisite cute blue doggy snowsuit for the
trip home from the hospital. Well despite him being 9 pound 14 ounces the
newborn snowsuit was too big for him and so we just had to cover him up with
it on the way home. It also wouldn't fit well in to the car seat so
buckling him up was an issue until we took it off. For my second we bought
something called a cuddle bag which didn't have arms or legs in it, it was
just an oval shaped sleeping bag type thing with a place in the back for the
carseat belt to go through. It was much easier to just put the baby in and
then zip it up and we were done. So unless you can find a really tiny
snowsuit I would avoid one and look for a cuddle bag or similar. You can
find them on toysrus.com and I think ours was made by jolly jumper
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernadetta
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 2:29 PM
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [blparent] Introduction
Scott, Welcome to the list.
Wow!! Twins!! That's going to be a handful, I won't lie, but I'm sure
it'll be a fun handful.
Of course, you'll have the sleepless nights and the crying and the
poopie diapers--that's a lot for a first time dad to handle, but you'll
have twice the hugs and cuddles when they're a bit older, and twice as
many memorable moments.
Well, for starters, regarding what you'll need right away besides the
very basic essentials--diapers, blankets, wipes, you'll need onesies
and warm sleepers. Most people recommend getting bigger clothes for a
newborn baby, but I recommend having several preemy sleepers adn
onesies on hand. I say this because, even if your kids won't be born
premature, they may be on the smaller size and if they are, you won't
have much to dress them in. That's what happened to me, I had an almost
five-pound baby boy and most of my clothes were for a seven or
Now, bare in mind that twins tend to be on the smaller size at birth
anyway--not all, but many, so all the more reason for the preemyy clothes.
Drive by a car seat inspection site (they have them in each state on
certain days of the week and they announce them), where a police
officer will inspect if you have your car seat buckled in propperly and
if you dont' already know, he'll so you how to buckle babies in
properly as well. All for free.
Because your babies will be born in the middle of winter in New York,
it's of course paramount to get snow suits for the treck from hospital
to home, and beyond. Again, get something medium sized, as you never
know how big they'll be. You can even get a couple of preemy-size snow
suits just in case. If they're too small you can always sell or give them
That's all I have for now, but if I think of anything more, I'll
certainly post. Nothing makes me happier than to help out a
soon-to-be-daddy who is eagerly awaiting his bundles of joy.
All Best,
Bernadetta P
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