[blparent] speking at my daughter's class

Star Gazer pickrellrebecca at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 13:58:28 UTC 2013

You could have said no if this wasn't something you wanted to do. Believe
me, the teacher knew exactly what she was doing when she talked to your
daughter before talking to you. 
The fat comment pertains to manners and that's part of what they're teaching
at that age. 

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jo
Elizabeth Pinto
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 1:46 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] speking at my daughter's class

I spoke to my daughter's kindergarten class a few weeks ago.  I was hesitant
at first when the teacher asked me to because I felt sort of like a
show-and-tell exhibit.  But the reason I decided to do it, besides the fact
that my daughter really wanted me to and the teacher kind of put me on the
spot by suggesting to my kid that I might do it before she consulted
me--which I didn't appreciate but what could I do--was that a couple of the
kids didn't believe my daughter at all when she said I was blind.  They told
her, "No way.  Your mom's not blind.  We saw her walking around and talking
and everything when she came to parents' night, so she can't be blind."  I
figured thaere were some pretty big myths that needed to be cleared up.  The
whole thing was a hoot once I got there.  I brailled name cards, talked a
little about service dog etiquette, and left most of the time open for
questions.  The  only weird part was that two kids raised their hands
together and told me my dog was fat.  She's not, actually I'm grateful
because she's finally starting to put on weight after getting some
painkillers and kidney meds into her system, but that's another story, so I
just laughed.  But the teacher got in a big old huff and apologized to me,
and informed me and the kids that she and the two gentlemen would be having
a serious talk later, and the clips on their behavior chart would be moving
from green to yellow, which I guess is a big deal.  I don't know why she
made such a federal case out of that.  Anyway, I was glad I went, overall.

Jo Elizabeth

Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may
kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at
evening.--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
-----Original Message-----
From: Wendy Meuse
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 2:03 AM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] speking at my daughter's class

Hi Robert:

Oh I used to love speaking in my daughter's classes.  I just used to love to
think on my feet when they asked those oh so crazy questions.  I started
speaking in her classes when she had trouble when she was about eight.  She
came home crying one day because kids were teasing her because her mamma was
blind.  I always have thought that kids make fun of things they don't
understand, so I phoned her teacher and talked to her.  I asked her if I
could come in and speak to the class and bring my Seeing eye dog Sandy with
me.  She was really excited about Sandy and I coming.  I also brought a
couple of Braille books along with my Brailler.  I had a list of the
children's names and I did them each an alphabet card with their name on the
bottom.  I would call two names at a time and they could come up and get
their card as well as give Sandy a pet or two.  I took her harness off so
that they could all say hi to her.  I had quite a talk at the beginning and
they asked some really good questions.  They loved being able to say hi to
Grace never had any trouble at all after that.  It really helped to educate
the children a little.  Yes I could have gotten all mad and very indignant
about the whole thing, but this was so much better.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Kaiser" <rcubfank at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 11:22 PM
Subject: [blparent] speking at my daughter's class

I will be finally speaking to my daughterbs class on Decemberf 4th @11:45

Ibm really excited about it. I havenbt spoken to children for years.

I remember all of the crazy questions they can ask.

It should be fun.

Rob Kaiser, President National Federation of the Blind of California Orange
County Chapter
rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
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