[blparent] FW: [helpingothersgroup] MORNING COFFEE [4 Attachments]

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Wed Apr 9 16:13:01 UTC 2014

Even blind parents can teach us lots!

Original Message: 
From: Linda Laughlin <LRSBNA at aol.com>
To: butterflyheartsnfriends at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [helpingothersgroup] MORNING COFFEE [4 Attachments]
Wed, 9 Apr 2014 10:49:57 -0400 (EDT)


             "Teachers are all around              you."
             We often make the mistake of thinking             
super-achievers are the only people who can teach us anything. We          
   forget about the single mom next door, who can teach us             
perseverance; the old man walking slowly in front of us, who can           
  teach us patience; the child playing in the mud, who can teach us        
     that a little dirt isn't the end of the              world.
             You can also gain wisdom from others' mistakes,             
thoughts, ideas and actions. There are learning opportunities galore       
      all around you, but you need to be open and willing to receive and   
          act upon them.
             Instead of jumping to conclusions that             
something isn't relevant to you or telling yourself that you already       
      do something as well as you can, take a new              approach.
             Take a closer look at those around you and ask             
yourself, "What can I learn?"
             ©Jane Powell
             You Can Never 
Be Happy              Until
Forest C. Shaklee              Sr.
''To gain happiness, you must learn to enjoy that which you             
have. It is not how much you have. It is what we think about that          
   which we have that produces happiness. In building a happy,             
contented life, you must give happiness to others. No one living           
  unto him or herself will ever be contented with his or her lot. Your     
        happiness is reflected upon you through the service you give to    
         others. And the thought you give to the creation of happiness will
             attract a happiness-service from others.
You can do anything
             Somewhere deep inside, you know you can do             
anything. But it's frightening, uncomfortable and inconvenient to          
   think about, so you choose to pretend it's not true.
             It              is very easy and comforting to make excuses.
So all too often,              that's all that ever happens.
             But what if you decided to stop arguing in             
favor of your limitations? What if you made the choice to allow your       
      life to fulfill your greatest possibilities?
             When you stop complaining that you can't , is             
when you can. When you stop defending your lack of progress, you can       
      begin to make incredible progress.
             Yes, life is tough and filled with all sorts of             
big, imposing challenges. And it is precisely by choosing to work          
   through those challenges that you can do anything, anything you         
    truly desire.
             Sure, absolutely, it's much easier said than             
done. Yet this is your life, and you deserve all the richness that         
    comes when you allow yourself to live it fully.
             Ralph Marston


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" Morning Coffee"
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