[blparent] The Jurry is still out

Rob Kaiser rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 13 00:55:43 UTC 2014

To all of you I am sending this to on the blind listserves, my sincere apologies. I know this is off list, but I feel you need to read this. 

As many of you know, I have been having problems with my internet since this past Sunday (04/06/2014) with the internet going up and down like a yoyo. Today, finally, two techs (one of them a supervisor) came out and spent over two hours trying to fid the problem. this was the seventh time Charter Cable has been out here this week to try to fix the problem. 

I am hopeing thi problem is finally fixed, but I need to make a suggestion to all of you:
In the 24 years I have had cable service, I have never had a problem where I have had to call a cable company seven to eight times inone week to get a problem solved. I will see if the internet stays up, but I have to suggest that you be careful with Charter Cable if you are using it. I have gone further by contacting my Congress Man (Paul Cook) his office and left a message for someone to call me back. I feel and I would hope others would feel the same, that this needs to go congressional. 

Even the tech supervisor (nice as he was)didn’t seem like he knew hwat he was doing. 

As my subject said, the jury is still out. 

More on this later. 

Thank you for reading this. 

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