[blparent] Update on my Website

Amanda Matheny craftyfrugalmom at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 14:32:05 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I have received emails from several people on these lists who were
interested in visiting the website I mentioned in my intro message but
it was down for over a day because the host was having server issues.
It is now back up and I wanted to let you all know since there was a
lot of interest.

As I said it's still very new and a work in progress, but feel free to
check it out, send me feedback or topic suggestions, watch out for the
posting of my handmade needlepoint items, and stay tuned for updates
to the site. I have a few really great ideas in mind for it that have
not yet been implemented.

You can visit the site by going to


or follow me on Twitter at


Anyone who has experience with Wordpress driven sites, feel free to
contact me. I'm especially interested in discussing screen reader
accessible themes that are also pleasing to the sighted world. My
current theme is ok, but not all that visually appealing and I want to
find a way to have the best of both worlds. I do not want a site that
screams blind. I want something with character.

Well, gotta run now because I'm off to a day at a local amusement park
with my family, but I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

Amanda Matheny
Twitter: @craftyfrugalmom
Website: www.craftyfrugalmom.com

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