[blparent] nice to hear from you JOANNE

dawn stumpner dawn205120 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 4 18:06:25 UTC 2014

Hi, Joanne!
     Yes, it sounds like our sons are almost exactly the same 
ages.  It was exciting to have my oldest starting college this 
year.  My second oldest son, the fifteen-year-old, is really 
doing well in all of his classes this year.  I will be grateful 
when my seventh-grader has completed middle school.  Middle 
school was never my favorite, and it hasn't been his, but we are 
surviving.  We just got back from Wisconsin Dells yesterday 
afternoon and had a great time escaping the below zero temps at 
an indoor water park for a few days.  It's cold enough that 
school has already been called off for them on Monday, but I'll 
still go back to work that day.  I work as a teacher of english 
as a second language for adults at a small private school.  It 
would be great to connect and share stories and experiences.  I'm 
fine talking on the "blparent" list serve, or feel free to email 
me any time as well.  My email is DAWN205120 at GMAIL.COM?
     I hope you're having a good first week to your New Year!

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