[blparent] Has anybody heard these Learn More 924 commercials onthe radio?

Robert Shelton rshelton1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 02:29:35 UTC 2014

Yep, it is real, but I have a big problem with the commercials.  The speaker
starts off by saying "You can't see me because this is radio, and I can't
see you because I'm totally blind."  Cute, I suppose, but cheesy.  Then he
goes off into this business about how he can't concentrate on anything
during the day, leaving the clear impression that it is because of his
blindness.  Were I in the position of a sighted person thinking about hiring
someone in a critical position, and a blind person showed up, that
commercial would add to any and every other misconception about blindness I
might have.

So, maybe Vanda is working on a beneficial compound, but their way of
drumming up business strikes me as patronizing at best.

OK, not about blind parenting, so no more from me on this.

-----Original Message-----
From: trising at sbcglobal.net [mailto:trising at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 4:47 PM
To: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Has anybody heard these Learn More 924 commercials
onthe radio?

    Yes, Non24 sleep disorder is real. I have it, and Melatonin helps. Vanda
Pharmaceuticals is coming out with a medication that will help more than
Melatonin. I have not heard the commercials. There is also a website if you
are interested. If you put Non24 into your favorite search engine, you will
find it.

Terri Wilcox 

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