[blparent] Has anybody heard these Learn More 924 commercials onthe radio?

sheila sleigland at bresnan.net
Sat Jan 11 16:23:32 UTC 2014

the last thing that I need as a blind woman is for people to believe 
that I can't even stay awake. that has huge possibilieies of being  
misunderstood and misused in even deciding if we can be capable parents. 
I'm concerned about yet another reason that we shouldn't be taken seriously.
On 1/11/2014 9:05 AM, Steve Jacobson wrote:
> I did not remember the phone number that was given at the convention, so I appreciate that comment.  In my opinion, the frequency together with the
> content of these commercials are dammaging, and I intend to try to find out more.
> Some of you may know I have over time been somewhat skeptical of some of these studies.  My skepticism is not based on the notion that there could
> not be something to the claims, it is with the emotionalism that I've seen surrounding the subject, not just within our community, but also with the doctors
> and researchers conducting the studies.  I've heard outrageous comments by some advocates, not people on this list, that just make me wonder how
> preconceived notions of blindness might be affecting the research.  I also had firsthand experience with a sleep disorder center who would not at first do
> the general tests they usually do because the person who had the problem was blind.  They were going to go directly into a protracted sleep disorder
> study for blind people.  I was very certain that apnea was the problem but had to argue very hard to get that test done before plunging into a blindness
> study.  The results were that the person had one of the worst cases of apnea they had ever seen.  They would have figured that out eventually, but the
> excitement of finding a blind person to study was to me disconcerting because of the assumptions they made.
> Here is where I think we need to be careful.  Many sighted people have sleep disorders.  The hundreds or perhaps thousands of sleep centers were not
> established for blind people.  <smile>  As a group, we face issues that when faced by sighted people also affect sleep, particularly unemployment and
> other stresses.  In my mind, this does not mean that there couldn't be factors that are not well understood that could affect our sleep, but being blind and
> having a sleep disorder doesn't necessarily mean it is because of physical blindness.  I don't see much attempt to determine whether a sleeping disorder
> may be unrelated to blindness in some of the reading I have done.  I also have not seen an attempt in past studies to establish a truly accurate control
> group, one with the same level of unemployment, for example.  From what I understand of these commercials, the company has a vested interest in finding
> blind people that they can fit into a mold that makes their product the solution.  Whatever their product does, one wonders how well it might work for
> sighted people as well.  I have read where some believe that a 24-hour cycle isn't natural for most people, that humans tend toward a longer cycle when
> separated from day night cycles, although this is somewhat different than some of the rhythms discussed here.  My point is not that there isn't anything to
> these studies, rather it is that there has to be some sort of perspective, and painting a general picture of blind people struggling to stay awake as these
> commercials do, is in my opinion, wrong and dammaging.
> Of course, I expect my comments may generate some responses so I don't mean to cut them off, but we should start thinking about putting this topic to
> rest soon.
> Best regards,
> Steve Jacobson
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:53:57 -0500, Melissa Ann Riccobono wrote:
>> Yes, at least the commercials I have heard are definitely Vanda. Vanda gave
>> a presentation at our state convention, and I am 99 percent sure that the
>> phone number and website they gave at the convention are the same as those
>> given on the commercial.
>> Melissa
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Steve
>> Jacobson
>> Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 1:13 PM
>> To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [blparent] Has anybody heard these Learn More 924 commercials
>> onthe radio?
>> These commercials are running very often here, but do we know if this is
>> Vanda?
>> On Thu, 9 Jan 2014 20:29:35 -0600, Robert Shelton wrote:
>>> Yep, it is real, but I have a big problem with the commercials.  The
>>> speaker starts off by saying "You can't see me because this is radio,
>>> and I can't see you because I'm totally blind."  Cute, I suppose, but
>>> cheesy.  Then he goes off into this business about how he can't
>>> concentrate on anything during the day, leaving the clear impression
>>> that it is because of his blindness.  Were I in the position of a
>>> sighted person thinking about hiring someone in a critical position,
>>> and a blind person showed up, that commercial would add to any and
>>> every other misconception about blindness I might have.
>>> So, maybe Vanda is working on a beneficial compound, but their way of
>>> drumming up business strikes me as patronizing at best.
>>> OK, not about blind parenting, so no more from me on this.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: trising at sbcglobal.net [mailto:trising at sbcglobal.net]
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 4:47 PM
>>> To: Blind Parents Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] Has anybody heard these Learn More 924
>>> commercials onthe radio?
>>>     Yes, Non24 sleep disorder is real. I have it, and Melatonin helps.
>>> Vanda Pharmaceuticals is coming out with a medication that will help
>>> more than Melatonin. I have not heard the commercials. There is also a
>>> website if you are interested. If you put Non24 into your favorite
>>> search engine, you will find it.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Terri Wilcox
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