[blparent] Lockdown Drill at School

Jennifer Stewart Jackson jennifersjackson at att.net
Sun Jan 12 17:50:09 UTC 2014

My thought is that the health aid may be projecting the blindness on to the issue. I think your daughter's concerns are normal.

Even with the best of intentions, the school has a vested interest in this not being their fault. It may also just be an individual reaction from the health aid based on her own presumptions about blindness.

Our children will get messages from the outside world no matter how independent we really are. Years ago I knew this teenage girl who is blind as well as both of her parents. She told me that people acted like they just hung upside down like bats and waited for her sighted sister to come home and do everything for them.

My advice is that you do not actually tell the school one way or the other about outside counseling. Just tell them you are handling it at home, but do speak to the school counselor or principal yourself if you want to express your problem with this drill. Childrn often respond similarly to fire drills, so they should have a plan in place for dealing with this. The fact that they did it the first day back from a long break indicates that they did not give this aspect ay thought.


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