[blparent] baby wearing

Sirena sieradream at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 20:44:13 UTC 2014

I have three.

When Ayla was a young infant, I wore her in a Snuggly. Belly to belly, and 
it provided head support as most of them do.

When she got older, I moved to an Urgo carrier.

I still use the Urgo when I need something quick and easy, but she much 
prefers the Baby Beorne. I'm sorry, but I think I spelled that wrong. 
Anyway, to my knowledge, there are two Baby Beorne carriers. One is made for 
little infants, and another is made for older infants and toddlers. We use 
the toddler version. I think it provides much sturdier hip support.



Children are the future. Help them start that future right. Teach through 
toys, progress through play!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tara Briggs" <tarabriggs at utah.gov>
To: <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:24 PM
Subject: [blparent] baby wearing

> Hi all, does anyone have any experience with wearing their babies? What
> sling or carrier did you use and how did you go about learning to use it?
> Why did you chose to wear your baby? How often do you wear your baby?
> Thanks
> Tara
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