[blparent] Baby wearing

Jan Ahmed jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 17:34:30 UTC 2014

Lots of people like urgo. If I had another baby, I might try it. But I'm not going to buy it just for my toddler. I use the k'tan baby carrier and loved it. It is like a rap, like the Moby. But, you don't have to figure out so much. There aren't nearly as many steps. Customer service will Skype or walk you through the different  ways to wrap. They actually were very helpful.  You also need to decide what you're going to be doing. How much are you going to be going out? Are you going to take public transportation much of the time?

 The obvious advantages are that your hands remain free And your  baby is right next to you which provides comfort and security.   Make sure that you get one that is easy for you to understand and that isn't too strenuous on your back. Remember that sometimes your baby and you might not like the same carrier. 
There is nothing worse than bringing your carrier and carrying your baby in your arms the whole time because either the walk was long and your back started to hurt or you just couldn't get that thing on right and it just wouldn't fastened correctly for you and your crying screaming baby 
Sent from my iPhone

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