[blparent] Going out with kids and going out in the winter

Miriam Feiner mdffeiner at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 19:56:16 UTC 2014

Hi, my name is Marianne Feiner and I live in upstate New York.
There are no mothers groups in my area but I do go to story time with my kids. This is in the library this is obviously easier than a park because it is more confined. One of the things that makes it easier for me is that I put bells on my kids clothes or shoes or slippers so I know where they are. I think because your child is so young you will probably be next to them all the time anyway. The bells are very helpful.
In regards to going out in the winter. Do you have your baby in a stroller or in a carrier? In a stroller you can have a snowsuit and especially a plastic covering that goes over the stroller specially made for a stroller. If they are in a carrier you can either zipper them with your coat and put on a hat or they sell special coverage for a carrier to keep the baby warm.
Or in the carrier you can put a snowsuit on them before you put them in the carrier
Also, there is no good blessing in my area either. When I call a taxi I usually explain that I don't see NAS them to honk when they are outside my house. Depending on the company they will do this or not.
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