[blparent] Meal planning
Judy Jones
jtj1 at cableone.net
Wed Jan 14 00:13:14 UTC 2015
As a teen, I wanted to make some fudge, pulled out what I thought was sugar,
mom had bought a 5 pound bag of salt! Who does that! (smiles) I
discovered my disaster as I was beginning to stir it in with the milk and
butter. After that, I have always wondered if you could bring that yuck to
softball stage.
Of course, mom said, oh, sorry about that, and I got to make my fudge, but I
think that is the last time I have seen salt in what looks like the sugar
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Woods via blparent
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 11:25 AM
To: Caitlin Mongillo
Cc: Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] Meal planning
Smile nice to hear another oops story. Thanks Caitlin
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV
On Jan 13, 2015, at 6:36 AM, Caitlin Mongillo <caitlin.m.lynch at gmail.com>
Things happen. One of the first meals I made for my husband was
supposed to be a Mexican style chicken stew with corn, black beans,
chilies and tomatoes. Except I grabbed frozen Italian sausages and
didn't realize and added too much of one spice which made it
absolutely unbearable and he actually got sick after eating it. LOL.
You live and you learn and you try again. One great thing, as people
have said, is that your meal will still be OK if you did it for too
short a time in the slow cooker; just take it from the fridge and put
it on another 4 or 5 hours on low and everything should be just fine.
> On 1/13/15, Star Gazer via blparent <blparent at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Jenn,
> Four hours on low isn't long enough. Next time cook it on high for 4 hours
> or low for 8 hours.
> Low temps on a crock pot is so you can cook something and let it cook for
> a
> long duration. It was designed before crock pots had timers on them the
> idea
> being that you'd prep a meal and set it to cook way before you intended to
> eat it.
> There's no way you'd know this though unless you learned via experience or
> unless someone told you ina way that made sense to you.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blparent [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jennifer
> Woods via blparent
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 9:10 PM
> To: Judy Jones
> Cc: Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Meal planning
> Thanks Judy,
> I actually just joined the blind chef list last night smile.
> I cooked it for 4 hours instead of 5.
> I'm still waiting for my first email from the list.
> How do you know when a meat that you have to crumble is done like turkey
> sausage or beef?
> Jenn
> I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
> On Jan 12, 2015, at 4:15 PM, Judy Jones <jtj1 at cableone.net> wrote:
> It might be a good idea to get on the blind cooks' list, there are
> definite
> ways of telling when your foods are done, and how to test, so you won't
> have
> to rely on your mom.
> Meats will be fork tender when ready. I always stick in a steak knife and
> see if something like a rost cuts easily. Meats like hamburger are done,
> they will have a rougher texture than the raw.
> Vegies are not going to be soft as in traditional pot cooking, but keep a
> crisp texture.
> Just a few thoughts.
> Did you follow a recipe?
> Judy
> -----Original Message----- From: Jennifer Woods via blparent
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> To: Wendy Meuse
> Cc: Blind Parents Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Meal planning
> Hi Wendy,
> I don't think my first time went very well it didn't cook long enough. I'm
> going to ask my mom to look when she gets home tonight. I have a son his
> name is Jasper he will be 3 years old at the end of February.
> Jenn
> On Jan 12, 2015, at 9:20 AM, Wendy Meuse <w_meuse at telus.net> wrote:
> Hi Gen:
> I will be very interested to see how you found crockpot cooking. I love
> it.
> The possibilities are endless. Do you have a boy or a girl? How old and
> what is his or her name? i have one child, a girl named Grace but she is
> all grown up. I have two grandsons Zakkry and Jason who are twenty and
> seventeen. it just doesn't seem possible that my baby and now my grand
> babies are grown. i miss seeing them as small.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jennifer Woods via blparent"
> <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> To: "David Andrews" <dandrews at visi.com>
> Cc: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 7:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [blparent] Meal planning
> Thank you.
> I figured that there were many techniques and recipes I had no Idea where
> to
> even start so the tips and tricks that the fellow parents on this board
> have
> shared. Smile.
> I'm making my first attempt at crockpot cooking right now.
> I'll let everyone know how it goes tomorrow after we eat it.
> Jenn
> I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
> On Jan 11, 2015, at 5:01 PM, David Andrews <dandrews at visi.com> wrote:
> There isn't an easy or quick answer to this question. There are hundreds
> of
> foods, dozens of techniques, and millions of recipes.
> There are a number of books out there concerning blind persons and
> cooking,
> we also have a blind cooks list here, which is always happy to answer
> specific questions ...
> http://www.nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/blind-cooks_nfbnet.org
> to join.
> Dave
> At 02:53 PM 1/8/2015, you wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm new to cooking.
>> I really want to cook more and plan ahead with meal preparation so that
> we're eating healthier and saving money.
>> Being a newly single mom and having a toddler this is a whole new
> experience for me.
>> How do those of you who know how to cook do it?
>> I am thinking about using the crockpot some, as I can prep and go then
> dinner is ready when we get home.
>> How do you all do it?
>> Thanks
>> Jenn
> David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
> E-Mail: dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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